ADS-B Receiver Upgrades Coming Soon


Upgrading My ADS-B Receiver Setup It’s been several years since I set up my ADS-B receiver. Back then, I was living in an apartment in Redlands, and my setup was pretty basic—a Rock-Pi, LNA, filters, and an ADS-B antenna perched on the second-story window sill. Despite the limitations of the indoor setup, it worked pretty…

Website is live!


I have been learning a lot about WordPress and developing my pages. Currently, all of my pages have content. There are a few minor things I want to add or change, but overall, I think the website looks good and functions well. I have updated my QRZ page to link users to my website. I…

Website Under Construction


I’m slowly learning how to use WordPress to build pages and develop the website. Stay tuned and check back often.